Yesterday I came home to this...
Is it normal for a cat to smash her face so far into the couch that her ears fold back? You really don't have to answer that because nothing with my cats is normal! Haha! Everyday is something new and exciting with them.
Oh my gosh, that is a riot!!!!
That made me laugh out loud! Can't say I've ever seen one do that cat's favorite place to nap was in the bathroom sink ;-) should send that to that LOLCats site. : )
My mom's cat does this too... it's so weird. My dogs do it sometimes too, it just looks odd. :) Happy Fourth of July!
OH my gosh! Hilarious!
Hahaha awww!!
thanks I needed a good laugh! Your cat is hilarious!
Ha! Fantastic.
this made me laugh!!!
.my cat's favorite place to nap was in the bathroom sink .
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Mine dies something similar with my newly upholstered chairs! They are peculiar - someone I know contends they are born with both annoying and backwards genes!
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